Welcome to Caim Ministries

Welcome to Caim Ministries!

I will from time to time share insights and reflections here; drawn from the day to day of my experience; distilled into meaning making for the journey. This first reflection came as I navigated the creation of a website and I post it only now as a beginning to further conversations.

Blessed be.

Just for today, do not worry.

Just for today, do not anger.

Just for today, respect all living things,

Just for today, do your work honestly.

Just for today, give thanks for everything.

~Dr. Mikao Usui

As I navigate the creation of this website, I am drawn to include these precepts somehow. Try as I might they will not allow themselves to be entered on the Reiki page. Instead, I am stuck with this photo of myself on every page! Surely I will figure it out, but perhaps it is simply meant to be. The headshot will familiarize folks with my face; a new one in this realm. The precepts, on the other hand are meant for me today.

Am I worried about the construction of this website? A little, mostly because it is something different for me, and because I said I’d get it done this winter. Could I be angry about how it is going? Absolutely! But I am reminded not to be. Anger won’t get it done any faster or better. Nor is anger a good state of mind for learning how to build a website. Today, I am respecting all living beings and that includes myself; includes patience with myself; includes a healthy respect for the abilities I am developing. I do this work honestly and in so doing, I have come to trust that it will all come to pass as it is intended to. Today, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my ministry; to explore and expand the ways I express this calling upon my life.

These five precepts seem applicable in so many situations every day. I am reminded to invite them in and to let their energy wash over me like a soothing balm in this fast-paced, every person for themselves world we live in. May they be a source of strength and peace. Blessed be the journey.