
Reiki is an ancient art of touch therapy; a complimentary spiritual healing practice, that recharges, realigns and rebalances our energy field.  The term Reiki can be translated as Universal Life Energy.  It is the Energy that flows within us, traveling from the top of the head to the base of the spine along the seven chakras, or energy centers, and all around us.  The practice that I am trained in was discovered in the early 1900’s by a Japanese monk, Dr. Mikao Usui of Kyoto, Japan, whose lifetime of spiritual seeking and study of healing traditions led him to a profound meditative experience and understanding of this energy source.


Reiki energy passes through the practitioner into the recipient and works to balance and energize the body physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki treatments work in a complimentary fashion alongside medical or psychological treatment and are never considered a substitute for these.  Healing itself originates within the individual.  I serve as a conduit of this energy seeking always the highest and greatest good for the recipient. 


In a typical Reiki session the recipient shares their intention for the time, discussing the areas they wish to focus upon.  Treatments are given on a massage table with the recipient fully clothed.  The practitioner will place their hands on or slightly above areas of the head, torso, back and lower limbs that correspond with the seven chakras.  A treatment session lasts approximately one hour. 


I am blessed to have discovered this practice as a means to self-healing personally and it is a privilege to share it with others.  My training comes through the line of Dr. Usui on down to the Rev. Marie S. David, M.Ed.,[i] who has served as my teacher, and with whom I continue to study.  It is my joy to talk with you about this beneficial source of renewal.

Contact me at to arrange a session.

Reiki Treatment Fees

Full hour session: $75

Half hour: $40



[i] Materials adapted from the writings of the Rev. Marie S. David, M.Ed. and “A Balancing Practice for Client and Therapist” by Shirley Vanderbilt.