Welcome to Caim Ministries.  I am the Reverend Tracy Johnson, an ordained minister in the Unitarian Universalist tradition.  Caim is an ancient Celtic term for a circle of safety that one draws around themselves and from which the Sacred is accessed.  This ministry seeks to create safe space in which to explore meaning as one navigates life’s passages through Spiritual Companionship, Reiki Treatment Sessions, End of Life Doula services and Rites of Passage. 

There is nothing I love more than being present to people who want to engage in meaning making on their life journey. Maybe you want to share your encounters with the holy in your days alongside someone who can affirm those experiences and guide you into deeper understandings. Perhaps your bodily energy feels out of sync and you wish to set intentions around realigning body, mind and spirit. You might be nearing the end of life and want to be heard into a place of comfort with that transition. This could be a time where you are moving from one phase of life to another. You want the safety of space that this ministry can offer.  

Life and ministry have always been synonymous for me.  We are each here in service to humanity; our interactions, grand and small and in between, are sacred opportunities for creativity; for exchanges that lift, heal, and empower our spirits.  We make space for one another in all of our messy humanness for grace to enter in, igniting the spark of the divine within and striving toward a world where justice, equity and compassion guide the day.   

My hope is that as we encounter one another you will find the safety you need to freely express yourself in the various passages of your life, to encounter the Holy that dwells at your center, and to call upon the healing power of intentional focus combined with Sacred Energy.  It is my privilege to accompany you on your path and to serve as a guide and a conduit of the Life Force that runs through all living things.  Blessed be the journey.